Your financial gifts to St. William Catholic Church are greatly appreciated and make a difference in our ministries. Below are suggestions of ways you can make financial donations to St. William:
Electronic withdrawal for recurring giving - St. William Catholic Church offers the capability to set up donations or payments, either as a recurring event or one time, using ACH transfer by using a paper Authorization Form. There is no cost to you or St. William when you use the ACH method, though please confirm this with your bank.
To initiate donations or payments using the paper form stop by the church rectory or Click here for the Automatic ACH Direct Contribution Authorization withdrawal form and submit to the rectory for processing.
Online Giving - Convenient and secure online contribution - Click here for the online donation link, then scroll to the bottom of the page to locate the St. William-Janesville option and create a login to donate.
Cash - Cash can be given during any of our services or brought to the church rectory during business hours. Place it in an envelope and, if you wish, designate the purpose of your gift on the envelope and, optionally, your name.
Check - Checks made out to “St. William Catholic Church” can be given during any of our services, brought to the church rectory during business hours or mailed to:
St. William Catholic Church
1822 Ravine Street
Janesville, WI 53548
Use the check’s memo line to designate the purpose of your gift such as regular pledge, capital campaign, in memory of, etc.
Offertory Envelope Program - Envelopes are conveniently mailed to your home every two months. These envelopes can be dropped off at any of our services, brought to the directory during office hours or mailed to the Parish at:
St. William Catholic Church
1822 Ravine Street
Janesville, WI 53548
Please contact the rectory to sign-up for this method.
Below are additional ways to support our parish:
Thank you for your contributions. We are truly blessed for your continued support.